Less mess more knowledge



We offer our professional experience and skills for customized software solutions for filing, information retrieval and semantic research.
The advantages of a semantic archive:
  • Saving time when archiving: just one click and it’s done! Finding the information and inserting it in the right categories is Nexus job.
  • Finding digital documents: just one system for all the files and free research without predefining the information that will be useful in a second time.
  • Flexibility of the system: you just need to modify the ontologies to add new information to the already archived documents.
  • Organization: you can implement different views in the archive that will organize files according to their contents and not only according to the initial structure of the archive.
  • Research speed: textual research is competitive and so is the research for semantic components even on a high number of documents.
  • Complex researches: research is not limited to the textual part but it also allows to find what the user is looking for through complex keys which are not tied to the lexical part.
  • Rating: inserting rating mechanisms it is possible to obtain more meaningful results for each sector.
  • Inference of secondary information: through the analysis of the semantic results it is possible to extract automatically new information for schemes, logistic maps, customer location, the frequency of certain typologies of  results and so on…
  • Application on already existing archives: the semantic component can power structured database or simple repositories of files.
  • Applicability: the documents can be of various origins and formats: pdf, text documents, web documents, video, etc…
 For estimated costs or more information you only need to send a mail to staff@nemoris.it without any obligation on your part.